Date(s) - 20/05/2011
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The 6th Invest in MEInternational ME/CFS Conference 2011
The Way Forward for ME – A Case for Clinical Trials
Dit is reeds de zesde jaarlijkse Invest in ME internationale biomedische conferentie over ME/CVS.
De conferentie gaat door op 20 mei 2011 in Westminster, London en bouwt voort op de succesvolle biomedische onderzoeksconferenties die afgelopen jaren door Invest in ME georganiseerd werden.
Zoals in vorige jaren wil Invest in ME de aandacht vragen voor de neurologische ziekte myalgische encefalomyelitis (ME/CVS). De conferentie zal de noodzaak onderstrepen voor een nationale strategie voor biomedisch onderzoek dat zal leiden tot een behandeling voor deze vreselijke ziekte, een ziekte die 5 x meer voorkomt dan HIV/AIDS in het VK, dat dus in vergelijking zeer weinig fondsen heeft gekregen voor biomedisch onderzoek.
- Onze conferentie van 2008 in London focuste op subgroepen en behandelingen en toonde onbetwistbaar bewijs van ME/CVS topexperts in de pathologie van deze ziekte.
- Onze conferentie van 2009 concentreerde zich op ernstig geïnvalideerde ME-patiënten.
- Onze conferentie van 2010 concentreerde op een nieuw era van ME/CVS onderzoek die gecreëerd werd door de bewustmaking van het XMRV retrovirus.
Met de ontdekking van het xenotroop murine leukemie virus gerelateerd retrovirus (XMRV) bij patiënten met ME/CVS door het Whittemore Peterson Institute, het Amerikaanse National Cancer Institute en de Cleveland Clinic van Ohio, publiceerden we deze grote doorbraak in het beter begrijpen en behandelen van ME/CVS en de implicaties voor ME/CVS in onze conferentie van 2010.
- De volgende stap voor 2011 zal focussen op translationeel biomedisch onderzoek naar ME/CVS en dat betekent het opstarten van klinische trials met behulp van homogene patiëntengroepen en correcte klinische richtlijnen.
Daarom is onze conferentie slogan van 2011
The Way Forward for ME – A Case for Clinical Trials
en het thema is
De nood aan Richtlijnen, Behandelingen en Klinische Trials voor ME/CVS
De opleiding van medici over ME/CVS moet nu breken met het verleden en de nieuw gevonden kennis reflecteren over de pathogenese van ME/CVS die biomedisch onderzoek van hoge kwaliteit biedt.
De conferentie zal gericht zijn op medisch personeel en anderen om die te voorzien in kennis en het laatste onderzoek van biomarkers die doelgerichte voorgeschreven behandelingen toelaat.
Hoe dan ook, los van de kennis van biomedisch onderzoek die bezig is, is het noodzakelijk voor medisch personeel om zich bewust te zijn van de vele symptomen die ME-patiënten vertonen en van de mogelijke beschikbare behandelingen.
Onderzoeksdata en ervaringen van hoe om te gaan met ME/CVS en hoe dit te behandelen zullen gepresenteerd worden evenals bevindingen van recent biomedisch onderzoek. De tijd is rijp om voort te gaan met de nieuwe bevindingen en het opstarten van klinische trials om snel vorderingen mogelijk te maken met de ontdekking van mogelijke behandelingen.
De presentators op de conferentie vertegenwoordigen ‘s werelds meeste ME/CVS kennis.
De conferentie voorziet informatie en kansen die niet beschikbaar zijn via het internet. Een van de belangrijkste aspecten van vorige IiME conferenties waren de creatie of opnieuw terugvinden van unieke netwerkmogelijkheden met enkele van ‘s werelds meest gerenommeerde ME/CVS experts in de wereld.
Presenter |
Presentation |
Invest in ME |
Welcome to the Conference |
Annette Whittemore |
Key Note Speech: Translating ME/CFS Research into Treatments |
Dr. David Bell |
25 Year Follow-up of ME Patients |
Dr. Andreas Kogelnik |
Translational Research in ME/CFS |
Break |
Dr John Chia |
Clinical & Research Experience of Enteroviral Involvement in ME/CFS |
Dr James Baraniuk |
Cerebrospinal Biomarkers for ME/CFS |
Lunch |
Professor Tom Wileman Professor Simon Carding |
UK Research: Genome Sequencing, Virology & Immunology for ME/CFS |
Dr Øystein Fluge / Professor Olav Mella |
B-cell Depletion Therapy Using Rituximab in ME/CFS |
Coffee/tea Break |
Professor Kenny de Meirleir |
Clinical Diagnosis, Treatments and Trials of ME/CFS |
Dr. Judy Mikovits |
Clinical Implications of XMRV Research for ME/CFS and Clinical Trials |
Dr. Wilfried Bieger |
XMRV Results from Germany |
Plenary with BMJ and Professor Malcolm Hooper |
Plenary Session – with Speakers |
Adjourn |
Conferentie Sprekers
Invest in ME are pleased to announce the following speakers at the conference:
Dr. David Bell MD
Dr. David Bell graduated from Harvard College and gained an MD degree at Boston University. Post doctoral training in paediatrics was completed with subspecialty training in Paediatric Behavior and Developmental Disorders. In 1978 he began work at the University of Rochester and then began a private practice in the town of Lyndonville, New York. In 1985 nearly 220 persons became ill with an illness subsequently called chronic fatigue syndrome in the communities surrounding Lyndonville, New York. This illness cluster began a study of the illness which continues today. Dr. David Bell is the author or co-author of numerous scientific papers on CFS, and, in 2003 was named Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of the Department of Health and Human Services. Publications include A Disease of A Thousand Names, (1988) and The Doctor’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (1990). Dr. Bell is currently performing ME/CFS research into the XMRV retrovirus.
Mrs. Annette Whittemore
Founder and President of the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuroimmune Diseases, Reno, Nevada, USA. The Institute is located on the medical campus of the University of Nevada. Its mission is to serve those with complex neuro-immune diseases such as ME/CFS, viral induced central nervous system dysfunction and fibromyalgia. Annette Whittemore graduated in Elementary and Special Education at the University of Nevada and taught children with neuro-cognitive deficits, such as those found in autism, ADD, and learning disabilities. As the president and director of the current operations at the Institute Annette supports the basic and clinical research program, and actively recruits physicians and other support personnel for the Institute.
Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD
Judy Mikovits is Research Director at the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Diseases and has co-authored over 40 peer reviewed publications that address fundamental issues of viral pathogenesis, hematopoiesis and cytokine biology. Formally trained as a cell biologist, molecular biologist and virologist, Dr. Mikovits has studied the immune response to retroviruses and herpes viruses including HIV, SIV, HTLVI, HERV, HHV6 and HHV8 with a special emphasis on virus host cell interactions in cells of the hematopoietic system including hematopoietic stem cells (HSC).
Dr Mikovits is one of the authors of the ground-breaking study published in Science magazine in October 2009 which detected XMRV in CFS patients (Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome) and is a member of the US Department of Health and Human Services Blood Working Group.
Professor Kenny De Meirleir MD, PhD
Professor De Meirleir is a world renowned researcher of ME/CFS. He is full professor of physiology, pathophysiology and medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and practices Internal Medicine at Himmunitas Foundation also in Brussels and has published several hundred peer reviewed articles and is co-author of the book ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a biological approach’ and was co-editor of the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and reviewer for more than 10 other medical journals. Professor De Meirleir was one of four international experts on the panel that developed the Canadian Consensus Document for ME/CFS. He assesses/treats thousands of ME/CFS patients annually and is the most experienced researcher in Europe regarding ME/CFS. His research activities in ME/CFS date back to 1990. His other research activities in exercise physiology, metabolism and endocrinology have led to the Solvay Prize and the NATO research award.
Dr. Jose Montoya MD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine), Stanford University, California, USA and Director, Toxoplasmosis National Reference Laboratory at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, California, USA. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Tulane University. Dr Montoya then completed his post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University. Currently, he is serving as an associate professor in Infectious Diseases at Stanford. He has worked on a wide variety of projects in this field including research focused on the efficacy of new smallpox vaccines. Additionally, he is the founder and co-director of the Immunocompromised Host Service and works at the Positive Care Clinic at Stanford. Dr. Montoya specializes in toxoplasmosis and infectious diseases particularly as it pertains to cardiac transplants and AIDS patients. Dr. Montoya is also the recipient of many Stanford teaching awards, including the Bloomfield, Ebaugh, Kaiser and Rytand awards.
Currently Stanford University is taking a very active role in the study of patients with unexplained chronic illnesses such as chronic Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
Dr. John Chia MD
Dr Chia is an infectious disease specialist, Torrance, California, USA. He has published research (“Chronic fatigue syndrome associated with chronic enterovirus infection of the stomach”) on the role of enteroviruses in the aetiology of ME/CFS – an area which has been implicated as one of the causes by a number of studies. There are more than 70 different types of enteroviruses that can affect the central nervous system, heart and muscles, all of which is consistent with the symptoms of ME/CFS. By analyzing samples of stomach tissue from 165 patients with CFS, Dr. Chia’s team discovered that 82% of these individuals had high levels of enteroviruses in their digestive systems. Dr Chia’s research may result in the development of antiviral drugs to treat the debilitating symptoms of ME/CFS.
Professor Olav Mella MD, PhD and/or Dr Øystein Fluge MD, PhD (tbc)
from the Institute of Medicine, Section of Oncology, University of Bergen, Norway and Department of Oncology and Medical Physics, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway.
Professor Mella and Dr Fluge have performed clinical trials to test the benefit of B-cell depletion therapy using Rituximab in ME/CFS patients.
Prof. Malcolm Hooper
Chair of the 6th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2011 will be Professor Malcolm Hooper, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland.
Professor Hooper is an internationally-renowned expert on ME/CFS and a tireless campaigner for patients’ rights.
Professor Hooper has previously chaired Invest in ME conferences and participates in “Invest in ME Hooper Interviews” – interviews with conference speakers at the Invest in ME Conferences which appear on the resultant conference DVDs (see here).
Invest in ME hoopt binnenkort nieuws te hebben van bijkomende sprekers.
Ook aanwezig op de conferentie zullen vertegenwoordigers van de Europese ME Alliantie zijn aangezien de EMEA Algemene Vergadering zal plaatsvinden na de conferentie.
Conferentie Registratie
Registratie start vanaf 8u ‘s morgens op 20 mei 2011.
Een drankje ‘s morgens en ‘s middags en een warme maaltijd is inbegrepen in de conferentieprijs.
Een kleine rustige kamer grenst aan de leeszaal en zal beschikbaar zijn voor de mensen die willen rusten.
De refreshment is beschikbaar als rustruimte tijdens de conferentie presentaties. Tijdens de lunch en pauzes voorziet de leeszaal ook een rustige ruimte om te zitten en relaxen.
Let op: deze conferentie is een TICKET-ONLY event, tickets dienen aangekocht te worden vóór de conferentie.
Onze conferentie registratiepagina zal binnenkort openen.
- Conferentie Registratie via email
- Conferentie Registratie online met credit card
- Conferentie Registratie formulier
CPD Accreditatie van de Royal Colleges werd aangevraagd en we hopen de maximum credits te verkrijgen voor de conferentie, net als vorige jaren.
Gereduceerd tarief – sponsor een medic: IiME biedt opnieuw een gereduceerd tarief aan voor medisch personeel die deelneemt in verband met een lokale ME Support Groep. IiME verwelkomt alle professionals die werken met of interesse hebben in ME/CVS.
Choose one of the ticket options below: |
Price | ||
Until 20th March 2011 | After 20th March 2011 | ||
Professionals | For Professional Healthcare staff and others | £110 | £130 |
Sponsor a GP rate | For GPs and healthcare staff registered via a local ME/CFS Support Group | £80 | £100 |
Charity rate | For charities and organisations | £75 | £90 |
Concessionary patient rate | For people with ME and/or their accompanying or immediate carers | £38 | £45 |
Concessionary Student rate | For students | £38 | £45 |
Disabled Access
Disabled access is available but wheelchair places may be limited by the venue owners and need to be reserved beforehand. IiME cannot guarantee that a wheelchair place will be available and applications are treated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please see the venue page by clicking the VENUE button on the left of this page.
One completed Registration Form is required for each individual wishing to attend.
No refunds will be considered for no-shows. Refunds will be considered if written notice is received by 20th March 2011. No refunds will be given after this date.
Only the person named on the ticket may attend the conference. However, substitutions are accepted provided Invest in ME is informed and agrees to the substitution at least two weeks prior to the event.