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| 19580 x gelezen

Determining central activation failure and peripheral fatigue in the course of sustained maximal voluntary contractions: a model-based approach Maartje L. Schillings, Dick F. Stegeman, and Machiel J. Zwarts Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, and Interuniversity Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences, Nijmegen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Journal of Applied Physiology, 98: 2292-2297 (2005) Promotie onderzoek: zie Agendapunten Abstract:… In the study of fatigue, several methods have been used to calculate the development of central activation failure (CAF) and…

| 16653 x gelezen

CFS/ME and FM – The pregnancy, birth and childcare survey 2002 Bron info September 2003 Aangezien er weinig onderzoek te vinden is over de relatie tussen CVS/ME/FM en zwangerschap, geboorte en kinderzorg, heeft Caroline Walker, die zelf CVS-patiënte is, een onderzoek uitgevoerd hieromtrent. The results of the survey are available to download from this website in PDF format in 2 parts: -The Executive Summary provides Key Findings from the survey and includes some commentary on these findings. – For more detail, see also the…