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Date(s) - 08/05/2024
21:30 - 23:45
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Dr. Putrino and Dr. Wood will explain their ongoing research and the current study, which has high potential to generate new knowledge and to help people diagnosed with ME/CFS or other post-acute infection syndromes.

Sign up today for our April 24 webinar “Comparing Immunological Signatures Between #LongCovid and #MECFS” with Dr. David Putrino & Dr. Jamie Wood of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Drs. Putrino and Wood have conducted several landmark studies on Long Covid. Their extensive research has led them to suspect that the immune responses of people with Long Covid differ in important ways from the immune responses of other people. If so, these differences (called immunological signatures) may explain why some people develop Long Covid symptoms and hopefully lead to the development of new therapies. To find this information, the team uses a wide range of cutting-edge technologies to compare blood and saliva samples from people with Long Covid with those from healthy participants.
Because both Long Covid and ME/CFS are post-acute infection syndromes (and have similar symptoms), the team also wants help from people with ME/CFS to find immunological signatures for ME/CFS. Similarities between the ME/CFS and Long Covid signatures may lead to therapeutic options for anyone with a post-acute-infection syndrome.
In this webinar, Dr. Putrino and Dr. Wood will explain their ongoing research and the current study, which has a high potential to generate new knowledge and to help people diagnosed with ME/CFS or other post-acute infection syndromes.
Register here: https://ow.ly/Un0U50R7Qn5
The Solve Together Real-World Data Platform (ST-RWD) will soon begin to refer consented ST-RWD users who have relevant profiles to be considered for participating in this study that compares ME/CFS and Long Covid. If you are interested, please consider joining ST-RWD via https://solvecfs.org/research/solve-together/ by April 30, 2024. You can also email us at research@solvecfs.org if you have any questions.