Date(s) - 24/05/2010
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The 5th IiME International Conference 2010
A New Era in ME/CFS Research
Biomedisch congres in London. Hopelijk vestigt dit congres de aandacht op de nood aan een nationale strategie voor biomedisch onderzoek dat zal leiden tot een behandeling voor deze vreselijke ziekte, een ziekte die 5 x meer voorkomt in het VK dan HIV/AIDS, dat dus in vergelijking zeer weinig fondsen heeft gekregen voor biomedisch onderzoek.
Het thema is
Opleiding en voorlichting van medici mbt ME/CVS
Met de recente ontdekking van het xenotroop murine leukemie virus-gerelateerd (XMRV) retrovirus bij ME/CVS-patiënten door het Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI), het US National Cancer Institute en de Cleveland Clinic van Ohio, zijn wij getuige van een grote doorbraak in het begrijpen en behandelen van ME/CVS en de implicaties van ME/CVS.
De opleiding van medici over ME/CVS moet nu breken met het verleden en de nieuw gevonden kennis reflecteren over de pathogenese van ME/CVS die biomedisch onderzoek van hoge kwaliteit biedt.
De conferentie zal gericht zijn op medisch personeel en anderen om die te voorzien in kennis en het laatste onderzoek van biomarkers die doelgerichte voorgeschreven behandelingen toelaat.
De sleutel in het oplossen, behandelen en genezen van ME/CVS ligt in biomedisch onderzoek. Onze conferentie van 2008 in London focuste op subgroepen en behandelingen en toonde onbetwistbaar bewijs van ME/CVS topexperts in de pathologie van deze ziekte. Onze conferentie van 2009 concentreerde zich op ernstig geïnvalideerde ME-patiënten.
Hoe dan ook, los van de kennis van biomedisch onderzoek die bezig is, is het noodzakelijk voor medisch personeel om zich bewust te zijn van de vele symptomen die ME-patiënten vertonen en van de mogelijke beschikbare behandelingen.
Onderzoeksdata en ervaringen van hoe om te gaan met ME/CVS en hoe dit te behandelingen zullen gepresenteerd worden evenals bevindingen van recent biomedisch onderzoek. De tijd is rijp om voort te gaan met de nieuwe bevindingen.
De presenteerders op de conferentie vertegenwoordigen ‘s werelds meeste ME/CVS kennis.
De conferentie voorziet informatie en kansen die niet beschikbaar zijn via het internet. Een van de belangrijkste aspecten van vorige IiME conferenties waren de creatie of opnieuw terugvinden van unieke netwerkmogelijkheden met enkele van ‘s werelds meest gerenommeerde ME/CVS experts in de wereld.
art | Presenter | Presentation |
07.45 |
Registration |
08.55 | Invest in ME | Welcome to the Conference |
09:05 |
Professor Leonard Jason PhD |
How Case Definitions Can Stigmatize: Implications for Epidemiology, Etiology, and Pathophysiology |
09:50 |
Professor Nora Chapman PhD |
Persistent Enteroviral Infections |
10:35 |
Dr John Chia MD |
Enteroviruses in ME/CFS, Diagnosis and Treatment |
11.15 | Break | |
11:35 |
Dr Paul Cheney MD, PhD |
Diastolic Dysfunction in ME/CFS: A Cardiac Manifestation of Cellular Energy Defects in ME/CFS. |
12:20 |
Dr. Jonathan Kerr MD, PhD |
Study of SNPs to determine subtype status in CFS patients |
12.50 | Lunch | |
13:40 |
Dr Nancy Klimas MD |
Immunological Biomarkers in ME/CFS |
14:25 | Professor Brigitte Huber PhD | Presence of Retrovirus as a Biomarker for ME/CFS |
15.10 | Coffee/tea Break | |
15:30 |
Mrs Annette Whittemore |
Future Pathways of Research into ME |
15:45 |
Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD |
Implications of XMRV Research for ME/CFS |
16:40 |
Professor Malcolm Hooper and Presenters |
Plenary Session |
17.30 | Adjourn |
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Research Update on XMRV and ME/CFS
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Dr. Judy Mikovits obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. She is Research Director at the Whittemore Peterson Nevada CFS centre for Neuro-Immune disorders and has co-authored over 40 peer reviewed publications that address fundamental issues of viral pathogenesis, hematopoiesis and cytokine biology.
Dr Mikovits was co-author of the “Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” research paper in October 2009 in Science magazine. |
Professor Brigitte Huber
Endogenous Retrovirus Activation in ME/CFS
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Tufts Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Professor Huber studied immunogenetics at University of London and is currently Professor of Pathology at Tufts University, Boston, USA. Dr. Huber joined the faculty of Tufts Medical School in 1977, and her laboratory has investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the immune response since that time.
She has studied the presence of retrovirus HERV K-18 as a marker for those who might develop ME/CFS after an acute infection such as mononucleosis. Her research shows that EBV induces the HERV K-18 envelope gene to trigger the expression of a specific superantigen and that there are more HERV K-18 alleles in post-mono ME/CFS patients than in controls. She hopes to identify other subsets among CFS patients. |
Dr Jonathan Kerr
Gene expression in ME/CFS
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Dr Jonathan Kerr is Sir Joseph Hotung Senior Lecturer in Inflammation, St George’s University of London. Dr. Kerr is now the principal investigator in a programme of research in ME/CFS. This involves development of a diagnostic test using mass spectrometry, analysis of human and viral gene expression in the white blood cells, and clinical trials of immunomodulatory drugs. He has recently published research identifying distinct subtypes in patients with ME/CFS.
More research by Dr Kerr – click here. |
Dr. Paul Cheney
Cardiomyopathy and ME/CFS
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Dr. Paul Cheney, MD, PhD, is Medical Director of the Cheney Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina.
For more than 25 years, Dr. Cheney has been a pioneering clinical researcher in the field of ME/CFS and has been an internationally recognized authority on the subject of ME/CFS. He has published numerous articles and lectured around the world on ME/CFS and is author/co-author of numerous publications and scientific presentations about ME/CFS. |
Dr. John Chia
Enteroviral Research in ME/CFS
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Dr John Chia is an infectious disease specialist practicing in Torrance, California, USA and has published research recently (Chronic fatigue syndrome associated with chronic enterovirus infection of the stomach) on the role of enteroviruses in the aetiolgy of ME/CFS – an area which has been implicated as one of the causes by a number of studies. There are more than 70 different types of enteroviruses that can affect the central nervous system, heart and muscles, all of which is consistent with the symptoms of ME/CFS. By analyzing samples of stomach tissue from 165 patients with CFS, Dr. Chia’s team discovered that 82% of these individuals had high levels of enteroviruses in their digestive systems. Dr Chia’s research may result in the development of antiviral drugs to treat the debilitating symptoms of ME/CFS. |
Dr. Nancy Klimas
Immunological Markers in ME and Immune system dysfunction
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Dr Nancy Klimas MD, is a Professor of Medicine, Psychology, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Miami School of Medicine. She is the University’s director of the Allergy and Immunology Clinic as well as Director of Research for the Clinical AIDS/HIV Research at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Centre.
She is a member of the federal CFS Advisory Committee (CFSAC) and former President and current Board Member of the International Association of CFS/ME (IACFS/ME) and a founding editor of the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dr Klimas has been a leader in the field of ME/CFS research for many years and recently Dr Klimas opened a model clinic for CFS patients with the aim to treat patients as well as train doctors. Dr Klimas has published over a 130 peer reviewed scientific papers. As the principal investigator of one of the NIH sponsored CFS Research Centers she leads a multidisciplinary research team representing the fields of immunology, autonomic medicine, neuroendocrinology, behavioral psychology, rheumatology, nutrition, and exercise physiology. The University of Miami CFS Research Center is exploring interactions between the immune, autonomic and neuroendocrine. |
Prof. Nora Chapman
Persistency of Enteroviral infections
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Professor Nora Chapman is a Research Scientist at the University of Nebraska Enterovirus Research Laboratory and Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Centre.
Professor Chapman studies persistent coxsackie infections in murine models of chronic myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy. She and her associates have demonstrated that selection of defective enterovirus in heart and other tissues leads to persistent infections despite active antiviral immune responses. Dr. Chapman is presently studying the mode of selection of these viruses and the effects of replication of these viruses upon infected cell function. Dr. Chapman and her associates at the University of Nebraska are further investigating Dr. John Chia’s work in regards to enterovirus in the gut biopsies. |
Prof. Leonard Jason
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Professor Jason has been among the most prolific of all ME/CFS researchers. For more than a decade, Professor Jason and his team at DePaul University’s Centre for Community Research in Chicago have worked to define the scope and impact of ME/CFS worldwide. Professor Jason was Vice President of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (now the IACFS/ME) and has been a key driver of CFS research since 1991, and is uniquely positioned to support collaboration between CFS researchers, patients, and government decision makers. His studies have shown that the direct and indirect costs of ME/CFS amount to $20 billion in the U.S. each year, and more than 1 million people suffer from ME/CFS as opposed to the estimated 20,000 people originally reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). |
Prof. Malcolm Hooper (Voorzitter Conferentie)
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Chair of the 5th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2010 will be Professor Malcolm Hooper, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Sunderland. Professor Hooper is an internationally-renowned expert on ME/CFS and a tireless campaigner for patients’ rights. Professor Hooper has previously chaired Invest in ME conferences and participates in The Hooper Interviews – interviews with conference speakers at the Invest in ME Conferences (see here). |
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